Basic Commercial Lines Inspector Course


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Get started on your career as commercial lines inspector with our 15 lesson course!



VIITA Basic Commercial Lines Inspector Lesson Descriptions

Lesson #1: An Introduction to the Insurance Loss Control Process

This lesson provides a basic understanding of insurance underwriting and the important role the loss control report plays in this process.

Lesson #2: Understanding Commercial Insurance Coverages

To understand the scope of a commercial lines insurance survey, an inspector must understand insurance coverages. This lesson looks at basic policy types, as well as the basics of property and liability coverages. A lesson quiz follows.

Lesson #3: Putting the Insured At Ease

This lesson serves as a guide to the techniques for adding to an insured’s comfort level. Included are talking points on proper introduction, making a good first impression, defining the purpose of the survey, promoting the “value-added” benefit, demonstrating familiarity with form questions and understanding of the subject, and managing time efficiently- & with as little disruption to the insured’s operation(s), as possible.

Lesson #4: How to Determine Operations

As part of a discourse on interviewing techniques and how to illicit the information needed to well assist in the underwriting decision-making process, this lesson focuses on the important role “operations” play in rating the risk and how to draw out pertinent information relating to same. Included are considerations relative to on and off premises operations and activities, as well as what information is required specific to use of premises by third parties, including lessees and subcontractors.

Lesson #5: ISO Construction Classifications

A detailed, highly visual study of what distinguishes the six ISO Construction Classes, including variations within class, and with it, the relationship of how well or poorly a building resists fire. A lesson quiz follows.

Lesson #6: Measuring the Building

Techniques for calculating the size of buildings, including those irregularly-configured and/or difficult to measure. A lesson quiz follows.

Lesson #7: Items to Investigate & Report On When Conducting a Property Inspection

Included is a highly visual, comprehensive look at COPE survey requirements, featuring detailed studies of roofing systems, firewalls, electric, plumbing, along with the common property hazards and controls associated with same. Also included is an overview on protection and exposures. A lesson quiz follows.

Lesson #8: Items to Investigate & Report On When Conducting a Liability Inspection

Included are detailed studies of those conditions, including trip/fall hazards, which can lead to injury losses. A lesson quiz follows.

Lesson #9: Understanding the Controls of Exposure Inherent to Occupancy

An integral consideration of any loss control survey, this lesson teaches an inspector to “think outside the box”. Included are several types of occupancies, focusing on the typical exposures part-and-parcel to same and, more importantly, what business practices, controls, and safeguards should be in place to mitigate same. A lesson quiz follows.

Lesson #10: NFPA Life Safety 101

A hands-on, highly visual overview of the fundamental requirements of this code, as it relates to occupants safety, in the event of fire or other emergency. Included is a comprehensive look at means of egress and protection. A lesson quiz follows.

Lesson #11: Protection

A detailed overview of automatic sprinkler systems, fire alert systems, portable fire extinguishers, and NFPA 96 requirements for commercial kitchen protection. A lesson quiz follows.

Lesson #12: Apartment Building Walk-through

A hands-on, highly visual “live” walk-through inspection of one of the most important lines of business. A lesson quiz follows.

Lesson #13: Strip Mall Walk-through

A hands-on, highly visual “live” walk-through inspection of a highly representative mercantile occupancy. Includes a tour of a commercial restaurant kitchen.

Lesson #14: The Purpose-driven Report

This all-important, but often highly challenging final piece of the inspection process reminds students that “writing” a loss control report is more than placing words on a page. The lesson focuses on two primary considerations, namely, the purpose of the report and who is reading it. Included is a step-by-step construction of a typical report into defined, easily replicated sections.

Lesson #15: Flash Study Cards

Utilizing the reinforcement-by-replication teaching technique, included are more than one hundred examples of commercial property & casualty loss control principles taught in the prior lessons.

VIITA Final Exam

On completion of all lesson plans & associated chapter quizzes, the student will be required to take an 80-question final exam, which, on passing with a grade of 80 percent or higher, will result in the issuance of a certificate of completion.