Student Testimonials
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at VIITA, for giving me the opportunity to take the VIITA Commercial Property Online Course. The VIITA Online Course has given me the education I needed to enter this new career. The material was easy to understand and for someone without any experience in this business like myself, this was an important feature. The instructions and photos are clear, the quizzes leave no confusion. If you study the material, you will learn the business. Thank you once again, Viita. I am truly excited about my new career.
I truly enjoyed this course. It was incredibly helpful to me and I intend to revisit the course frequently to review the information there, and refresh my memory when needed. There is so much material there! ~ and the formatting of each page made the course less intimidating. I have been doing commercial inspections for two years, and the learning curve has been a long one. Even with this experience, I see now that there was so much more to know. This course has been, and will continue to be, invaluable for me.
The course was actually enjoyable and very well put together. I learned a lot. When I first logged in and saw 15 chapters that needed to be completed, you can imagine, I thought the worst. However, it flowed very well and I found the material easy to read and comprehend. Thanks again and enjoy your day.
This is an excellent course for those who are looking to get into the field of loss control inspection! I am a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and I took a small notebook worth of notes with the information that was provided in this course. The material really assists an inspector by broadening their perspective to what the underwriter is needing to know and what they are looking for. This course even provides a couple of case study walkthroughs (via powerpoint slides) to give you an overview of what to expect when you perform an inspection.
All this being said, if you focus on the material that is provided, and perform the work how it is intended to be used, you will come out of this course better and more inspection ready. Simply put, I loved it and highly recommend it!
Thank you very much for your congratulations and kind words. I ended up taking the course over a couple of weeks, which was longer than I had intended, but the fact that I was able to retain so much of the information is testament to the excellent course material. Before I purchased the course, I was struck by how well laid out and logical the various sections are, and as I worked through the material, the quality of the content and the layout continued to impress me. I have taken many specialized courses over the years, both online and in print, and I believe the VIITA course is the best laid out and best subject matter coverage I have ever experienced. The people who put the course together really did an outstanding job. I look forward to taking advantage of the continuing education offered. Feel free to use any part of this email you wish, if asked about how previous students have found your course.
My name is Bryce Lenhart. I completed the VIITA course back in 2019. I went back and completed the course once again and found it even more valuable the second time around. Like any trade one works in, it’s easy to get complacent and assume that you know everything there is to know. Taking the course again has sharpened my skills.
I believe my investigating and reporting has improved substantially since taken the course again. I plan to go through it once more and take detailed notes, so I can refer to them quickly when needed. I’m so happy that you offered unlimited access to the course once purchasing it.
Anyways, I just wanted to pass along my experience.
The VIITA inspector course was one of the best courses that I have ever taken. The information was presented in a clear, concise manner and the pictures were extremely helpful. I find the ability to go back and review the information at any time to be invaluable. As a commercial lines underwriting manager for 20 years I would highly recommend the course, not only to potential inspectors but also to new or aspiring underwriters who could benefit from getting a better sense of how the inspection process works.
There’s so much about the VIITA course that I enjoyed – the pace, the pictures, the explanations of classifications, even the quizzes! I don’t think I would have retained as much information sitting in a classroom. Being able to self-regulate the pace was paramount for my learning experience. In fact, the only thing I would improve on would be to add an optional audio component to the course. Everyone has different learning styles; personally, the more senses I engage, the better I learn. With the VIITA course there was great visual engagement. I took notes, drew pictures, performed math, so there was a good tactile element as well. Obviously you can’t introduce smell or taste into a virtual learning experience, but I think an optional narration would definitely be useful to some students. I have referred back to the refresher slides several times already and have printed out the handy, glossary of terms. Thank you for providing such a worthwhile technical course online – it’s definitely the best bang for the buck!
I found the VIITA course to be invaluable. As a 28-year-old loss control inspector, I’ve been desperately searching for an extensive, reasonably affordable program that could help expand my knowledge as an insurance inspector. After a successful Google search, I luckily came upon your website. Having invested in the program and completing the course, I have greater confidence as a loss control inspector and have a far better understanding of the underwriting process. I am sure I speak for many when I say, thank you for creating this course.
If I could go back in time I would find this course extremely helpful. Not only do you teach the technical aspects of the job, but you also teach the things inspectors encounter in the field and how to deal with them. You do a great job in describing how to go about the job itself. Even as a seasoned guy, I am finding it beneficial.